A Better Match for your clients

Asset Management System

Making it easier for your staff to do what they do best – Supporting Ontarians towards employment and independence!

Client Profile - Clark AMS - Asset Management System
Dashboard Tachometer with House, Book, and Briefcase to indicate client progress
Gauge Needle

Designed directly with front-line staff

Proven Client Progress

The AMS houses a database of employment positions, training courses and certifications that all work together to help your staff assess, track and manage their caseload. Having access to available opportunities and supports has been proven to help clients improve their readiness for employment and increase their independence and participation within the community.


Quick & Simple Client Reviews

Allows your staff to have meaningful conversations about a client’s needs and potential barriers, while collecting information for program planning and the broader need for services and supports.

In-app Assessment

Our included assessment can be used as a valuable tool to assist staff in understanding where a client can improve and to help guide them in the right direction.

Full Assessment History

Stay up-to-date and track progress of clients so your staff can give the best suggestions for improving and getting closer to reaching their goals.

Compare Results

Compare multiple assessments at once to easily see improvements and progress over time or when a client might need to refocus on a specific area.

Assessment Mockup
Assessment History Mockup
Assessment Results Comparison Mockup

Training & Jobs

Quality Matches Automatically

The AMS matching engine connects clients with jobs they’re suitable for or interested in pursuing, along with the training and certifications needed to get them there!


Maintain an inventory of available courses and workshops for clients to improve their essential life skils and confidence to succeed in the workplace!


Manage a complete system of positions to match clients’ skills and abilities with the needs of local employers so they can succeed in their employment pathway.


Suggest quality system matches to clients, but the AMS still allows your staff to evaluate and ensure a proper fit with the client to further support their goals and growth.

Trusted Across Ontario

Municipalities Making a Difference


Client Timeline

Small Wins.
Big Milestones.

Celebrate your client’s many life and employment achievements, and walk with them on their journey back to independence and stability.

The Client Timeline is a simple, friendly way to allow your staff to navigate and coach clients towards their goals, while offering encouragement and support along the way.

Client Timeline Mockup
All the Features You Expect…

And Tools You Didn’t Know Existed


Role-based Dashboards

Email Campaigns

File Manager

On-Demand Reports

Admin Tools

Advanced Search

Change Logs

Scheduler Integration

... and more!

What Our Clients Are Saying

Ready to see the Good stuff?

Let us show you around

A quick demo with our product specialists will help you know if the Clark AMS is a good fit for your organization. Learn more about all the features, tools and benefits of this system to help your team support clients towards their goals of independence, stability and employment!

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    Let’s get to
    know each other

      Let’s get to
      know each other